
New – master’s degree in astrophysics!

The new master’s (MSc) degree program in astrophysics is designed to impart advanced knowledge and tools relevant for theoretical and computational research in the fields of planets, high energy astrophysics, cosmology and the theory of gravity. The thesis work will be done within the Astrophysics Research Center of the Open University (ARCO).
The research experience, knowledge and skills acquired in the program form a solid basis for further studies for a PhD, or for diverse types of positions in the high-tech industry.

For more information about the program please contact us at:

ARCO seminar is Mondays at 15:00 (GMT+3) at the ARCO seminar room in the Academia building, or online on zoom.

The list of seminars can be found here: ARCO seminar list 

If you would like to join the ARCO seminar mailing list, please send an email to:



Public Outreach of ARCO: 

Prof. Avi Loeb, CfA, Harvard University 

“The Search for Interstellar Objects of Technological Origin” (in Hebrew) – 26/12/2024 –

Prof. Roger Blandford, KIPAC, Stanford University 

“The Active Social Lives of Massive Black Holes” –

2/2/2023 –



We are delighted to announce the establishment of our new Astrophysical Research Center of the Open University (ARCO)


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